Party rules and state law have changed the Presidential Primary Election on Tuesday, March 8th .
Contact your County Clerk for more information.
Party affiliation determines which ballot(s) a voter is eligible to vote.
All Voters may affiliate with any political party on Election Day, March 8th, or change their affiliation.
Unaffiliated voters can affiliate when they sign the poll book.
Affiliated voters can use the party affiliation form to change their affiliation on Election Day.
March 11th is the last day to affiliate or change party affiliation before the May 17th State Primary Election.
Must be affiliated with the Republican Party.
Information here
Must be affiliated with the Constitution Party.
Information here
All voters regardless of party within the district or jurisdiction if an election is scheduled
Democrats will hold a party caucus March 22.
Information here
NOTE: Party affiliation and ballot choice are recorded in the poll book and become public record. The Voter cannot change their ballot choice after signing the poll book. A re-issued ballot must match the voter’s choice recorded in the poll book.