Idaho Secretary of State
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To file a Modification of Debtor Information, continue to follow these basic steps:
5) Select the Debtor name you wish to modify then click the Proceed >> button to continue.
(Sample Debtor Select
6) Select the debtor's entity type and make desired modifications to the name and/or address. Ensure that all information is accurate. When all changes have been entered, click the Save - Proceed >> button.
(Sample Individual Debtor Modification
NOTE: You can perform a business entity search to retrieve information about an
organization by clicking the "Access Idaho Business
Entity Search " link.
(Sample Organization Debtor Modification
7)The Debtor Modification Verification screen below contains the name of the authorizing party and newly entered debtor name/address modifications. Please ensure that all information is correct. You may then choose from the following options.
(Sample Debtor Modification Verification of Changes
8) The Session Summary screen below contains a filing party, type of filing and the session total fee. If you would like to view or modify the information for this filing follow these instructions.
(Sample Debtor Modification Session Summary
When you have finished entering and editing the amendment information, it is strongly recommended that you carefully review the contents of each filing for completeness and accuracy.
Pursuant to IDAPA 34.05.06, Section 4, Item 406, "An error by a filer is the responsibility of such filer." See the section Reviewing Your Session for further instructions.
9) Clicking the
Proceed To Checkout >> button takes you to the
Proceed to Checkout screen. (See sample screen below)
From here you have two options:
(Sample "Proceed to Checkout" Screen)
When you have completed Access Idaho's Instant Payment Gateway process, the screen below will appear indicating that the filing process is complete.
(Sample Debtor Modification Confirmation Screen)
NOTE: The Filing Image is your receipt. Please DO NOT forget to print a copy of each image for your reference.
(Sample Debtor Modification Filing
Once you have reviewed and printed ALL the filing images, you have completed this Filing Session!