These are the key responsibilities to being a Political Treasurer.
Keep detailed accounts, current within not more than seven days after the date of receiving a contribution or making an expenditure.
Keep a detailed record of accounts for at least one year after the date of the election or filing of the last Campaign Financial Disclosure Report, whichever is later.
File the required Campaign Financial Disclosure Reports on time while reporting all required information. Campaign Finance Reporting Schedule
Obtain the full name and complete address of any individual or organization which has made a contribution. Only those contributing more than $50 during a calendar year must be itemized on the Campaign Financial Disclosure Report.
Transmit any anonymous contribution of more than $50 to the State Controller for deposit in the public school fund.
Obtain a receipt, canceled check or an accurate copy thereof for an expenditure of $25 or more.
Clearly indicate on all public political advertising the person responsible for such communications. For example: Print “Paid for by Candidate X for Senate, John Doe Political Treasurer” on all printed materials.
Secretary of State Administrative Rule—Items Exempt From Advertising Regulation:
Campaign buttons, bumper stickers, pins, pens and similar small items upon which a disclaimer cannot be conveniently printed are not deemed to be regulated by the provisions of Section 67-6614A, Idaho Code.
Notify the Secretary of State of: (All reports required pursuant to this section shall be filed online with the secretary of state, unless a waiver has been provided under section 67-6623, Idaho Code, by no later than midnight on the date the filing is due.)
Any contribution of $1,000 or more received after the 16th day, but more than 48 hours before any Primary or General Election. This notification shall be made within 48 hours after the receipt of such contribution.
Any Independent Expenditures.
Any Electioneering Communication.
Certifying a political Treasurer
Who must appoint and certify a Political Treasurer?
All Candidates for state offices.
All Political Committees
When must the Political Treasurer be appointed and certified?
A Political Treasurer must be appointed and certified prior to any of the following occurring:
Receiving any contributions,
Spending any funds,
Announcing candidacy for state office, or
Becoming a Political Committee.
What are the requirements for serving as a Political Treasurer?
The only requirement for serving as a Political Treasurer is that the individual must be registered to vote in the state of Idaho.
Can a Candidate serve as his or her own Political Treasurer?
Yes, a Candidate may serve as his or her own Political Treasurer. However, it is recommended that the Candidate keep campaign funds separate from personal funds (i.e. separate bank accounts).
Can an individual serve as a Political Treasurer for more than one Candidate and/or Political Committee?
Yes, an individual may serve as the Political Treasurer for more than one Candidate and/or Political Committee. However, they need to keep separate records and accounts for each Candidate and/or Political Committee.
How do you appoint and certify a Political Treasurer?
All Campaign Finance Reports are required to be filed through the "Online Campaign Finance Reporting" application, in accordance with 67-6623(g), Idaho Code. To appoint and certify a Political Treasurer, the Appointment and Certification of Political Treasurer (C-1) form must be filed via the "Online Campaign Finance Reporting" application located here:
Where can the Appointment and Certification of a Political Treasurer (C-1) be found?
All Campaign Finance Reports are required to be filed through the "Online Campaign Finance Reporting" application, in accordance with 67-6623(g), Idaho Code. The "Online Campaign Finance Reporting" application can be found on this page:
What happens if a Political Treasurer resigns, is removed, or dies?
The Candidate or the Chairman of the Political Committee must appoint and certify a new Political Treasurer by filing a new Appointment and Certification of Political Treasurer (C-1) through the Online Campaign Finance Reporting application here:
Contributions may not be received and expenditures may not be made until a new Political Treasurer is appointed and certified.