How to file a UCC1 Financing Statement     How to File a UCC3 Amendment Print    Close

NOTE: All online filings are subject to review and approval. The Secretary of State's office will be required to reject any filing that conflicts with, or does not meet statutory requirements.

How to process a UCC1 Financing Statement with the Idaho Secretary of State

You will need:
  • All information required as outlined in the Uniform Commercial Code Article 9, Administrative Rules Governing Lien Filings Under the IDAPA 34.05.06, such as Filer information, Debtor(s) name(s) and address(es), Secured Party(ies) name(s) and address(es), and collateral descriptions.
  • More information on UCC1 requirements and causes for rejection can be found at this link.
  • NOTE: If you wish to include attachments with your filing you will need to submit the filing on paper, with your attachments, directly to our office by either fax or mail.  Please be reminded that paper filing fees are not the same as online filing fees, and that payment will be required upon receipt of the filing.  Your subscriber account with Access Idaho can not be used for payment of paper filings.
  • The UCC1 form can be found at at this link.
  • Your credit or debit card (VISA or MasterCard) or a prepaid subscriber account with Access Idaho.

To process a UCC1 financing statement, follow these basic steps:

1) Enter the filer information and click the  Save - Proceed >>  button.

   (Sample Filing Party Entry screen)

2) Select the desired lien type. You may optionally enter filer reference data on this screen. When completed, click the  Proceed >>  button. (At this time, only UCC1 Financing Statements and UCC3 Amendments are being accepted online.)
NOTE: Pursuant to Idaho Code 28-9-516A we may require proof that a debtor is in fact a transmitting utility.

    (Sample Select Lien Type screen)

    (Sample Optional Filer Reference Data Entry Box)

NOTE: A debtor and a secured party may not appear to be the same person.  Any filing that appears as such shall be rejected pursuant to Idaho Code 28-9-516A.

3) For each debtor, select the debtor's 'entity type' and enter the debtor information. To add additional debtors click on the  Save - Add Another Debtor  button.

More information on debtor requirements and causes for rejection can be found at this link.

When all debtors have been entered, click the  Save - Proceed >>  button.

    (Sample Debtor Entry screen - 'Individual' entity type)

NOTE: You can perform a business entity search to retrieve information about an oranization by clicking the " Access Idaho Business Entity Search" link.

    (Sample Debtor Entry screen - 'Organization' entity type)

NOTE: A debtor and a secured party may not appear to be the same person.  Any filing that appears as such shall be rejected pursuant to Idaho Code 28-9-516A.

4) For each secured party, select the secured party's entity type and enter the secured party information. To add additional secured parties click on the  Save - Add Another Secured Party  button. 

More information on secured party requirements and causes for rejection can be found at this link.

When all Secured Party information has been entered, click the  Save - Proceed >>  button.

    (Sample Secured Party Entry screen - 'Individual' entity type)

   (Sample Secured Party Entry screen - 'Organization' entity type)

5) Enter a collateral description. If you choose not to provide a description, enter the word NONE. Click the  Save >>  button.  If you "Cut & Paste" a description into the collateral box, please read the help file on Cut / Copy & Paste Collateral to avoid any potential problems.

   (Sample Collateral Description Entry screen)

6) Clicking the  Save >>  button on the collateral page takes you to the Name Summary page. Ensure that all information is correct and complete.

NOTE: Please read your entries carefully.  We will not be able to alter information once the filing is complete.  A UCC3 amendment will be required to correct any errors.

 (Sample Name Summary review screen)

7) If you are satisfied with the data displayed then data entry is now complete for this filing.
The options available at this point are:

8) The screen below shows a sample Session Summary page which contains a filing party, type of filing and the session total fee. To complete the transaction click the  Proceed To Checkout >>   button. This will take you to Access Idaho's Instant Payment Gateway checkout process. 

If you need to view or modify the information for a filing follow these instructions: 

 (Sample Session Summary screen)

9) When you have finished entering data for all filings you intend to file in this session, it is strongly recommended that you carefully review the contents of each filing for completeness and accuracy. 

Pursuant to IDAPA 34.05.06, Section 4, Item 406, "An error by a filer is the responsibility of such filer." See the section Reviewing Your Session for further instructions.

Below is the Proceed to Checkout screen. This screen gives you the option of going back to the Session Summary by clicking the << Back to Session Summary link or to continue with processing the filing by clicking the  Proceed >>  button.

(Sample Proceed to Checkout screen)

Once the transaction is complete the screen below will appear indicating that the filing process is complete. 

(Sample Lien Completion Screen)

NOTE: The Filing Image is your receipt. DO NOT forget to print a copy of each image for your reference.

(Sample Lien Filing Image)

***"Click on the image above to get a full size view."***

Once you have reviewed and printed ALL the filing images, you have completed a filing session!

Amendment Instructions

How to file a UCC1 Financing Statement (Top)     Print    Close

How to amend a UCC Financing Statement with the Idaho Secretary of State

You will need:
  • All information required as outlined in the Uniform Commercial Code Article 9, Administrative Rules Governing Lien Filings Under the IDAPA 34.05.06, such as Filer information, UCC1 File Number you wish to amend, the Name of the Party Authorizing the amendment, Debtor(s) name(s) and address(es) you may wish to amend, Secured Party(ies) name(s) and address(es) you may wish to amend, and collateral descriptions which you may wish to amend.
  • Your credit or debit card (VISA or MasterCard) or a prepaid subscriber account with Access Idaho.

To amend a filing, follow these basic steps:

1) Enter the filer information and click the  Save - Proceed >>  button.

    (Sample Filing Party Entry screen)

2) Enter the number of the filling to be amended. Click the  Proceed >>  button.

Note: To search for a UCC1 filing number click the "Search UCC1 filings online" link.


3) Select the party authorizing the amendment and click the  Proceed >>  button.

    (Sample Party Authorization screen)


4) Select the type of amendment you wish to process then click the  Save - Proceed >>  button.

    (Sample "Amendment Type" Information screen)

The following are links to the different amendment types which may be selected in the Amendment Type screen above. 

Click the appropriate amendment action link for further information.

Note: All links will open a separate page. Click the 'Back' link to return.



Continuation Add    
Termination Add    
Assignment Add    
Collateral Add Modify Delete
Debtor Add Modify Delete
Secured Party Add Modify Delete

How to file a UCC1 Financing Statement     How to File a UCC3 Amendment Print    Close