Registered Agents List

We no longer provide a list of registered agents.

NOTE: You can, as an individual, act as your own registered agent if you have an Idaho physical address. Or, you may use another legal business entity who is filed with our office with an Idaho physical address, but not your own entity.

There is typically a fee associated with the representation services that registered agents provide. You must contact the company of your choice and enter into an agreement for representation before listing them as your registered agent.

The Secretary of State’s Office does not endorse any specific registered agent(s).

To provide registered agent service in Idaho, you must be an individual who can be located at a physical address in the state, or a business entity who is filed with the Secretary of State’s office to transact business in Idaho and have a physical office in the state. Assumed Business Name entities cannot function as registered agents since they are not considered to be legal entities in their own right under Idaho statute.

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System Upgrade In Progress

Campaign Finance, Lobbyist Reporting, and Online Voter Tools are expected to be offline from April 9th at 5:00 p.m. MDT, through April 12th at 8:00 a.m. MDT to complete a system upgrade.

Per Idaho Code 67-6607, campaign finance is reported monthly during a campaign’s election year. The deadline for the March report falls on Saturday, April 10th. Due to the interruption caused by this upgrade, political treasurers will be allowed to file the March report until 11:59 p.m. MDT on Monday, April 12th.

While we do our best to ensure compliance with all deadlines in statute, the timing of this release is critical to ensure minimal (or no) impact to the May election cycle. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.