Public Records Requests

PLEASE NOTE: Public records requests are NOT to be used for the purpose of requesting documentation on a company or business. Company and business information is available without a public records request on
The Office of the Secretary of State will not respond to public records requests related to corporate documentation.
Information requested may not be used for purposes of a mailing or telephone list, as prohibited by section 74-120, Idaho Code.
Custodians of Public Records
Generic Public Records & Alleged Campaign Finance Violations
Please use our new public records request forms.
Voter Registration & Absentee Ballot Reports
Please use the Voter Registration & Absentee Ballot request form.
Will Registry Information
In order to search the Will Registry, you must certify that you are an “interested person” as required by Idaho Code Section 15-2-1001, and as defined in Idaho Code Section 15-1-201(25), by completing the Request for Will Registry Information – Form WR2 and submitting the completed Form to [email protected].
Birth, Death, Marriage, or Divorce Records
The Secretary of State’s Office is not the custodian of these records.
You may submit a request to the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare by clicking here:
Custodians of Public Records
Chief Deputy Secretary of State
(208) 332-2862
[email protected]
Rob McQuade
Deputy Secretary of State
(208) 332-2821
[email protected]
As per Section 74-103, Idaho Code, public records requests received today will be responded to on Friday, November 11th, unless more time is required