This edition of the 2020 Election Calendar is subject to amendatory change during the 2020 session of the Idaho Legislature. If changes occur, an updated version will be published.

Last updated January 2020.

Jan. 3 Election Register Examination: Deadline for county clerks to examine the election register, from the Nov. 6 election, and note challenges. [Sec. 34-432(1), Idaho Code]
Jan. 15 Election Precincts: Deadline for county commissioners to establish election precincts. [§34-301, Idaho Code]
Jan. 17 Early Voting Security Plan: Deadline for county clerks to submit their ballot security plan to the secretary of state. [§34-1013, Idaho Code]
Jan. 17 Presidential Candidate Withdrawal Deadline: Last day presidential candidates can withdraw — from the (March 10) presidential primary election — or have their name removed from the ballot. [§34-733, Idaho Code]
Jan. 21 Precinct Committeemen List: Deadline for county clerks to deliver — to the chairman of the county central committee of each political party — a list (in writing) of the election precincts in the county with the precinct committeemen who were elected at the last primary election or who have since been appointed. [§34-502, Idaho Code]
Jan. 21 Ballot Question Submission Deadline: School districts must supply ballot language (to the county clerk) for any bond or property tax levy questions — to be placed on the ballot — for the March 10 election. [§34-106, Idaho Code]
Jan. 24 Mail Absentee Ballots: County clerks must begin mailing absentee ballots — to voters who have requested absentee ballots — for the March 10 presidential primary. [§34-1003, Idaho Code]
Jan. 27 Recall Notification Deadline: Political subdivisions must notify the county clerk if a recall election is ordered — for the March 10 election. [§34-106(9), Idaho Code]
Jan. 30 Sample Ballot: Secretary of state to provide county clerks with the sample form of the March 10 presidential primary ballot. [§34-712, Idaho Code]
Jan. 30 Voting Procedure Modifications: Deadline for county clerks to submit their plans to the secretary of state; if they want to modify voting procedures (for a political subdivision) — for the March 10 election. [§34-1413, Idaho Code]
Jan. 31 Precinct Committeemen Certification: Deadline for the chairman (of each county central committee) to certify — to the county clerk — the names and addresses of the precinct committeemen of the political party. [§34-502, Idaho Code]
Feb. 7 Designate Polling Places: Deadline for county commissioners to designate polling places — for the March 10 election. [§34-302, Idaho Code]
Feb. 7 Election Personnel: Deadline for precinct committeemen to recommend (in writing) election board personnel — to the county clerk — for the March 10 presidential primary. [§34-303, Idaho Code]
Feb. 14 Preregistration Deadline: Voter registrations must be received by the county clerk — for the March 10 election. (Deadline is 5 p.m. for paper applications or until midnight for online applications.) [§34-408, Idaho Code]
Feb. 18 Mail Ballot Precincts: County clerks to begin mailing ballots to voters located in designated mail ballot precincts — for the March 10 election. [§34-308, Idaho Code]
Feb. 24 Early Voting Begins: For those counties that choose to conduct early voting. [§34-1012, Idaho Code]
Feb. 25 Mail Ballot Precincts: Deadline for county clerks to complete mailing ballots to voters in designated mail ballot precincts — for the March 10 election. [§34-308, Idaho Code]
Feb. 27 Election Observers: Deadline for political parties or candidates to submit a written request (to the county clerk) for the purpose of authorizing challengers or watchers to observe at polling places — for the March 10 election. [§34-304, Idaho Code]
Feb. 27 Publish First Election Notification: Deadline for county clerk to publish the first notice of election — in the county’s official newspaper(s) — for the March 10 election. (If possible, the notice should appear in at least two newspapers published — or circulated — in the county.) [§34-602 and §34-1406, Idaho Code]
Feb. 28 Absentee Ballot Application Deadline: Applications must be received by the county clerk by 5 p.m. — for the March 10 election. [§34-1002(7), Idaho Code]
Feb. 28–Mar. 6 Publish Notification of Candidate Filing Deadline: County clerk must publish a notification of the candidate filing deadline — for the May 19 primary — during this week. The notice should appear in the official newspaper(s) of the political subdivision. [§34-1405, Idaho Code]
March 2 Nonpartisan Candidate Filing Begins: Petitions to nominate political subdivision candidates — for the May 19 primary — may begin being filed with the clerk of the political subdivision. [§34-1404, Idaho Code]
March 2 County Candidate Filing Begins: Candidates (including independents) who plan to run for county office — during the May 19 and Nov. 3 elections — may begin filing declarations of candidacy with the county clerk. [§34-704 and §34-708, Idaho Code]
March 2 Statewide Candidate Filing Begins: Candidates (including independents) who plan to run for precinct, state, or district office — during the May 19 and Nov. 3 elections — may begin filing declarations of candidacy with the secretary of state. [§34-704 and §34-708, Idaho Code]
March 5 Publish Second Election Notification: Deadline for county clerk to publish the second notice of election — along with a facsimile sample ballot — for the March 10 election. (If possible, the notice should appear in at least two newspapers published — or circulated — in the county.) [§34-602 and §34-1406, Idaho Code]
March 6 In-Person Absentee/Early Voting Ends: At 5 p.m. — for the March 10 election. [§34-1002(7) and §34-1012, Idaho Code]
March 10 Absentee Ballot Return Deadline: Voted absentee ballots must be received — by the county clerk — by 8 p.m. [§34-1005, Idaho Code]
March 10 Election Day: Polling places — and the county clerk’s office — to be open 8 a.m.–8 p.m. (*County clerk may opt to open at 7 a.m.) [§34-211 and §34-1101, Idaho Code]
March 11 Voter Registration Reopens [§34-408, Idaho Code]
March 13 Political Party Affiliation: Last day electors can change political party affiliation (with the county clerk) or become “unaffiliated” before the May 19 primary. [§34-411A, Idaho Code]
March 13 Nonpartisan Candidate Filing Deadline: Petitions must be filed by 5 p.m. — with the clerk of the political subdivision — to nominate political subdivision candidates — for the May 19 primary. [§34-1404, Idaho Code]
March 13 County Candidate Filing Deadline: Candidates (for county office; including independents) must file a declaration of candidacy with the county clerk — for the May 19 and Nov. 3 elections. [§34-704 and §34-708, Idaho Code]
March 13 Statewide Candidate Filing Deadline: Candidates (for precinct, state, or district office; including independents) must file a declaration of candidacy with the secretary of state — for the May 19 and Nov. 3 elections. [§34-704 and §34-708, Idaho Code]
March 16 County Central Committee Notification Deadline: County clerk to notify the central committee of the candidates who are qualified to run for county/precinct office — for the May 19 and Nov. 3 elections. [§34-706, Idaho Code]
March 16 Statewide Central Committees Notification Deadline: Secretary of state to notify the legislative district and state central committees of the candidates who are qualified to run for legislative, federal, and state office — for the May 19 and Nov. 3 elections. [§34-706, Idaho Code]
March 17 County Canvass: Deadline for the board of county commissioners to meet and conduct the canvass — of the March 10 election. [§34-1410, Idaho Code]
March 17 County Election Certification: Deadline for county clerks to certify the results — of the March 10 election — to the clerk of the political subdivision(s). (*This date may vary; to be done immediately after the canvass.) [§34-1410, Idaho Code]
March 20 Nonpartisan Nominee Certification: Deadline for the clerk of the political subdivision to certify nominees — to be placed on the ballot — for the May 19 primary. [§34-1404, Idaho Code]
March 20 Ballot Question Submission Deadline: Political subdivisions must submit ballot language (to the county clerk) for any bond, levy, initiative, referendum, or other question — to be placed on the ballot — for the May 19 primary [§34-106, Idaho Code]
March 20 County clerk to appoint election personnel for the (May 19) primary election. [§34-303, Idaho Code]
March 23 Partisan Candidate Certification: Deadline for the Secretary of state to certify candidates — for federal, state, and district office — for the May 19 primary. (Candidates who are appointed after this deadline will be certified within one business day.) [§34-705(2) and §34-705(3), Idaho Code]
March 25 State Board Canvass: Deadline for the state board of canvassers to meet and conduct the canvass — of the March 10 election. §34-1211, Idaho Code]
March 27 Partisan Candidate Withdrawal Deadline: Last day partisan candidates can withdraw from the May 19 primary. [§34-717, Idaho Code]
April 1 Mail Ballot Precinct Designation: Deadline for the board of county commissioners to designate mail ballot precincts. [§34-308, Idaho Code]
April 3 Mail Absentee Ballots: County clerks must begin mailing absentee ballots — to voters who have requested absentee ballots — for the May 19 primary. [§34-1003, Idaho Code]
April 3 Absentee Ballot Delivery Witnesses: Deadline for political parties to supply names of witnesses (if desired) to accompany the clerk in the personal delivery of an absentee ballot — for the May 19 primary. [§34-1003, Idaho Code]
April 3 Nonpartisan Write-In Candidates: Deadline for write-in candidates (running for any nonpartisan elective office) to file a declaration of intent with the clerk of the political subdivision — for the May 19 primary. [§34-1407, Idaho Code]
April 3 Nonpartisan Candidate Withdrawal Deadline: Last day nonpartisan candidates can withdraw from the May 19 primary. [§34-1405A, Idaho Code]
April 3 Recall Notification Deadline: Political subdivisions must notify the county clerk if a recall election is ordered — for the May 19 primary. [§34-106(9), Idaho Code]
April 6* Local Election Disputes: Deadline for electors to contest the results — of the (March 10) local election results. (*This date may vary; complaints must be filed in the proper court within 20 days of the county canvass.) [§34-2008, Idaho Code]
April 6* Early Voting Security Plan: Deadline for county clerks to submit their ballot security plan to the secretary of state. (*NOTE: The Early Voting Security Plan must be submitted at least 30 days prior to implementing and early voting plan.) [§34-1013, Idaho Code]
April 9 Sample Ballot: Secretary of state to provide county clerks with the sample form of the May 19 primary ballot. [§34-712, Idaho Code]
April 9 Voting Procedure Modifications: Deadline for county clerks to submit their plans to the secretary of state; if they want to modify voting procedures (for a political subdivision) — for the May 19 election. [§34-1413, Idaho Code]
April 15* Statewide Election Disputes: Deadline for electors to contest the results — of the presidential primary. (*This date may vary; complaints must be filed in the proper court within 20 days of the state canvass.) [§34-2008, Idaho Code]
April 17 Designate Polling Places: Deadline for county commissioners to designate polling places — for the May 19 primary. [§34-302, Idaho Code]
April 17 Election Personnel: Deadline for precinct committeemen to recommend (in writing) election board personnel — to the county clerk — for the May 19 primary. [§34-303, Idaho Code]
April 21 Partisan Write-In Candidates: Deadline for write-in candidates (running for federal, state, legislative, or county office) to file a declaration of intent — for the May 19 primary. [§34-702A, Idaho Code]
April 24 Preregistration Deadline: Voter registrations must be received by the county clerk — for the May 19 primary. (Deadline is 5 p.m. for paper applications or until midnight for online applications.) [§34-408, Idaho Code]
April 27 Mail Ballot Precincts: County clerks to begin mailing ballots to voters located in designated mail ballot precincts — for the May 19 primary. [§34-308, Idaho Code]
April 30* Initiative Signature Deadline: Last day to circulate initiative petitions for signatures. (*This date may vary; the deadline can’t extend past the 18-month circulation period. [§34-1802(1), Idaho Code]
May 1* Initiative Submission Deadline: Last day to submit signed petitions to the county clerk (by the close of business) for verification. (*This date may vary; the deadline can’t extend past the 18-month circulation period. [§34-1802(2), Idaho Code]
May 4 Early Voting Begins: For those counties that choose to conduct early voting. [§34-1012, Idaho Code]
May 5 Mail Ballot Precincts: Deadline for county clerks to complete mailing ballots to voters in designated mail ballot precincts — for the May 19 election. [§34-308, Idaho Code]
May 7 Election Observers: Deadline for political parties or candidates to submit a written request (to the county clerk) for the purpose of authorizing challengers or watchers to observe at polling places — for the May 19 election. [§34-304, Idaho Code]
May 7 Publish First Election Notification: Deadline for county clerk to publish the first notice of election — in the county’s official newspaper(s) — for the May 19 election. (If possible, the notice should appear in at least two newspapers published — or circulated — in the county.) [§34-602 and §34-1406, Idaho Code]
May 8 Absentee Ballot Application Deadline: Applications must be received by the county clerk by 5 p.m. — for the May 19 primary. [§34-1002(7), Idaho Code]
May 8 Election Register Examination: Deadline for county clerks to examine the election register, from the March 10 election, and note challenges. [Sec. 34-432(1), Idaho Code]
May 14 Publish Second Election Notification: Deadline for county clerk to publish the second notice of election — along with a facsimile sample ballot — for the May 19 election. (If possible, the notice should appear in at least two newspapers published — or circulated — in the county.) [§34-602 and §34-1406, Idaho Code]
May 15 In-Person Absentee/Early Voting Ends: At 5 p.m. — for the May 19 primary. [§34-1002(7) and §34-1012, Idaho Code]
May 19 Absentee Ballot Return Deadline: Voted absentee ballots must be received — by the county clerk — by 8 p.m. [§34-1005, Idaho Code]
May 19 Election Day: Polling places — and the county clerk’s office — to be open 8 a.m.–8 p.m. (*County clerk may opt to open at 7 a.m.) [§34-211 and §34-1101, Idaho Code]
May 20 Voter Registration Reopens: Voters can once again become “unaffiliated” or change their political party affiliation. [§34-408 and §34-411A, Idaho Code]
May 26 County Canvass: Deadline for the board of county commissioners to meet and conduct the canvass — of the May 19 primary. (The deadline to conduct the canvass for political subdivisions is May 29. However, we recommend conducting both canvasses together.) [§34-1205 and §34-1410, Idaho Code]
May 26* County Election Certification: Deadline for county clerks to certify the results — of the May 19 election — to the secretary of state and the clerk of the political subdivision(s). (*This date may vary; to be done immediately after the county canvass.) [§34-1208, Idaho Code]
May 26* Nomination Certificates: Deadline for county clerk to issue certificates of nomination to county candidates. (*This date may vary; to be done immediately after the county canvass.) [§34-1208, Idaho Code]
May 26* Election Certificates: Deadline for the clerk of the political subdivision to issue certificates of election. (*This date may vary; to be done immediately after the canvass.) [§34-1410, Idaho Code]
May 29 County Central Committee Elections: Deadline for the county central committees to elect officers. [§34-502, Idaho Code]
June 1 Legislative District Central Committee Elections: Deadline for legislative district central committees to elect officers. [§34-503, Idaho Code]
June 3* Election Certificates: County clerk to issue certificates of election to the precinct committeemen. (*This date may vary; to be done within eight days after the county canvass.) [§34-1208, Idaho Code]
June 3 State Board Canvass: Deadline for the state board of canvassers to meet and conduct the canvass — of the May 19 primary election. [§34-1211, Idaho Code]
June 3* State Board Election Certification: Deadline for state board of canvassers to certify results — of the May 19 primary — for all federal, state, and district candidates. (*This date may vary; to be done after the state board canvass.) [§34-1208, Idaho Code]
June 3* Nomination Certificates: Deadline for secretary of state to issue certificates of nomination to federal, state, and district candidates. (*This date may vary; to be done immediately after the state board canvass.) [§34-1214(1), Idaho Code]
June 3* Nomination/Election Certificates: Deadline for secretary of state to issue certificates of nomination/election to nonpartisan candidates. (*This date may vary; to be done immediately after the state board canvass.) [§34-1214(2), Idaho Code]
June 5* County Write-In Candidates: Deadline for county candidates (who were write-in candidates for the primary) to file a declaration of candidacy for the (Nov. 3) General Election. (*This date may vary; deadline is 10 days after the county canvass.) [§34-702, Idaho Code]
June 13* Statewide Write-In Candidates: Deadline for federal, state, and legislative candidates (who were write-in candidates for the primary) to file a declaration of candidacy for the (Nov. 3) General Election. (*This date may vary; deadline is 10 days after the state board canvass.) [§34-702, Idaho Code]
June 15* Political Subdivision Recount Applications: Deadline — for local candidates or supporters/opponents of a local ballot measure — to apply to the county clerk for a recount of the May 19 election. (*This date may vary; it must be done within 20 days of the county canvass). [§34-2301, Idaho Code]
June 15* County Recount Applications: Deadline — for county candidates or supporters/opponents of a county ballot measure — to apply to the attorney general for a recount of the May 19 election. (*This date may vary; it must be done within 20 days of the county canvass). [§34-2301, Idaho Code]
June 15* County Election Disputes: Deadline for electors to contest the (county or political subdivision) results — of the May 19 election. (*This date may vary; complaints must be filed in the proper court within 20 days of the county canvass. [§34-2008, Idaho Code]
June 23* State Board Recount Applications: Deadline — for federal, state, legislative, or judicial candidates — to apply to the attorney general for a recount of the May 19 election. (*This date may vary; it must be done within 20 days of the state board canvass. [§34-2301, Idaho Code]
June 23* State Board Election Disputes: Deadline for electors to contest the (statewide) results — of the May 19 election. (*This date may vary; complaints must be filed in the proper court within 20 days of the state board canvass. [§34-2008, Idaho Code]
June 30* Initiative Signature Verification Deadline: Last day for county clerks to verify petition signatures. (*This date may vary; the deadline is 60 days from the submission deadline.[§34-1802(3), Idaho Code]
July 6 Ballot Question Submission Deadline: School districts must supply ballot language (to the county clerk) for any bond or property tax levy questions — to be placed on the ballot — for the Aug. 25 election. [§34-106, Idaho Code]
July 10 Mail Absentee Ballots: County clerks must begin mailing absentee ballots — to voters who have requested absentee ballots — for the Aug. 25 election. [§34-1003(3), Idaho Code]
July 10 Recall Notification Deadline: Political subdivisions must notify the county clerk if a recall election is ordered — for the Aug. 25 election. [§34-106(9), Idaho Code]
July 13* Early Voting Security Plan: Deadline for county clerks to submit their ballot security plan to the secretary of state. (*NOTE: The Early Voting Security Plan must be submitted at least 30 days prior to implementing and early voting plan.) [§34-1013, Idaho Code]
July 16 Voting Procedure Modifications: Deadline for county clerks to submit their plans to the secretary of state; if they want to modify voting procedures (for a political subdivision) — for the Aug. 25 election. [§34-1413, Idaho Code]
July 17 Election Register Examination: Deadline for county clerks to examine the election register, from the May 19 primary, and note challenges. [Sec. 34-432(1), Idaho Code]
July 22 – 29 Publish Notification of Candidate Filing Deadline: County clerk must publish a notification of the (highway district commissioner) candidate filing deadline — for the Nov. 3 General Election — during this week. The notice should appear in the official newspaper(s) of the political subdivision. [§34-625, §34-625A, and §34-1405, Idaho Code]
July 24 Designate Polling Places: Deadline for county commissioners to designate polling places — for the Aug. 25 election. [§34-302, Idaho Code]
July 24 County clerk to appoint election personnel for the Aug. 25 election. [§34-303, Idaho Code]
July 31 Preregistration Deadline: Voter registrations must be received by the county clerk — for the Aug. 25 election. (Deadline is 5 p.m. for paper applications or until midnight for online applications.) [§34-408, Idaho Code]
Aug. 3 Mail Ballot Precincts: County clerks to begin mailing ballots to voters located in designated mail ballot precincts — for the Aug. 25 election. [§34-308, Idaho Code]
Aug. 5 Magistrate Candidate Filing Deadline: Magistrates who are up for retention — must file a declaration of candidacy with the county clerk — for the (Nov. 3) General Election. [§1-2220, Idaho Code]
Aug. 5 Highway District Candidate Filing Deadline: Highway district commissioner candidates — must file a declaration of candidacy with the county clerk — for the (Nov. 3) General Election. [§34-625 and §34-625A, Idaho Code]
Aug. 10 Early Voting Begins: For those counties that choose to conduct early voting. [§34-1012, Idaho Code]
Aug. 11 Mail Ballot Precincts: Deadline for county clerks to complete mailing ballots to voters in designated mail ballot precincts — for the Aug. 25 election. [§34-308, Idaho Code]
Aug. 13 Election Observers: Deadline for political parties or candidates to submit a written request (to the county clerk) for the purpose of authorizing challengers or watchers to observe at polling places — for the Aug. 25 election. [§34-304, Idaho Code]
Aug. 13 Publish First Election Notification: Deadline for county clerk to publish the first notice of election — in the county’s official newspaper(s) — for the Aug. 25 election. (If possible, the notice should appear in at least two newspapers published — or circulated — in the county.) [§34-602 and §34-1406, Idaho Code]
Aug. 14 Absentee Ballot Application Deadline: Applications must be received by the county clerk by 5 p.m. — for the Aug. 25 election. [§34-1002(7), Idaho Code]
Aug. 17 – 28 Publish Notification of Candidate Filing Deadline: County clerk must publish a notification of the candidate filing deadline — for the (Nov. 3) General Election — during this week. The notice should appear in the official newspaper(s) of the political subdivision. [§34-1405, Idaho Code]
Aug. 20 Publish Second Election Notification: Deadline for county clerk to publish the second notice of election — along with a facsimile sample ballot — for the Aug. 25 election. (If possible, the notice should appear in at least two newspapers published — or circulated — in the county.) [§34-602 and §34-1406, Idaho Code]
Aug. 21 In-Person Absentee/Early Voting Ends: At 5 p.m. — for the Aug. 25 election. [§34-1002(7) and §34-1012, Idaho Code]
Aug. 24 Independent Presidential Candidates: Deadline for independent presidential and vice-presidential candidates to file a declaration of candidacy. [§34-708A, Idaho Code]
Aug. 25 Absentee Ballot Return Deadline: Voted absentee ballots must be received — by the county clerk — by 8 p.m. [§34-1005, Idaho Code]
Aug. 25 Election Day: Polling places — and the county clerk’s office (in counties holding an election) — to be open 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. [§34-106 and §34-1101, Idaho Code]
Aug. 26 Voter Registration Reopens [§34-408, Idaho Code]
Aug. 28 Political Party Petition Filings: Deadline for a new political party to file a formation petition with the secretary of state. [§34-501, Idaho Code]
Sept. 1 Presidential Candidate Certification: Deadline for the state party chairman to certify candidates for president, vice-president, and presidential electors for the (Nov. 3) General Election. (Unless the secretary of state grants a five-day extension.) [§34-711, Idaho Code]
Sept. 1 Nonpartisan Candidate Filing Deadline: Petitions must be filed by 5 p.m. — with the clerk of the political subdivision — to nominate political subdivision candidates — for the Nov. 3 election. [§34-1404, Idaho Code]
Sept. 4 County Canvass: Deadline for the board of county commissioners to meet and conduct the canvass — of the Aug. 25 election. [§34-1410, Idaho Code]
Sept. 4* County Election Certification: Deadline for county clerks to certify the results — of the Aug. 25 election — to the clerk of the political subdivision(s). (*This date may vary; to be done immediately after the canvass.) [§34-1410, Idaho Code]
Sept. 4 Ballot Question Submission Deadline: Political subdivisions must submit ballot language (to the county clerk) for any bond, levy, initiative, referendum, or other question — to be placed on the ballot — for the Nov. 3 election. [§34-106, Idaho Code]
Sept. 4 Statewide Ballot Question Certification: Deadline for the secretary of state to certify a proposed constitution, constitutional amendments, or other ballot questions to the county clerks for the (Nov. 3) General Election. [§34-603, Idaho Code]
Sept. 4 Sample Ballot: Secretary of state to provide county clerks with sample ballots for the (Nov. 3) General Election. [§34-909, Idaho Code]
Sept. 7 Partisan Candidate Withdrawal Deadline: Last day partisan candidates can withdraw from the (Nov. 3) General Election. [§34-717, Idaho Code]
Sept. 8 Nonpartisan Nominee Certification: Deadline for the clerk of the political subdivision to certify nominees — to be placed on the ballot — for the Nov. 3 election. [§34-1404, Idaho Code]
Sept. 11 Partisan Write-In Candidates: Deadline for write-in candidates (running for federal, state, legislative, or county office) to file a declaration of intent — for the (Nov. 3) General Election. [§34-702A, Idaho Code]
Sept. 18 Last day for county clerk to print absentee ballots for the (Nov. 3) General Election. (Secretary of State Directive) [§34-1003, Idaho Code]
Sept. 18 Mail Absentee Ballots: County clerks must mail absentee ballots — to voters who have requested absentee ballots — for the (Nov. 3) General Election. [§34-1003(3), Idaho Code]
Sept. 18 Absentee Ballot Delivery Witnesses: Deadline for political parties to supply names of witnesses to the county clerk if the political party wants a witness to accompany the clerk in the personal delivery of an absentee ballot for the (Nov. 3) General Election. [§34-1003(5), Idaho Code]
Sept. 18 Nonpartisan Write-In Candidates: Deadline for write-in candidates (running for any nonpartisan elective office) to file a declaration of intent with the clerk of the political subdivision — for the Nov. 3 election. [§34-1407, Idaho Code]
Sept. 18 Nonpartisan Candidate Withdrawal Deadline: Last day nonpartisan candidates can withdraw from the Nov. 3 election. [§34-1405A, Idaho Code]
Sept. 18 Recall Notification Deadline: Political subdivisions must notify the county clerk if a recall election is ordered — for the Nov. 3 election. [§34-106(9), Idaho Code]
Sept. 21* Early Voting Security Plan: Deadline for county clerks to submit their ballot security plan to the secretary of state. (*NOTE: The Early Voting Security Plan must be submitted at least 30 days prior to implementing and early voting plan.) [§34-1013, Idaho Code]
Sept. 24 Voting Procedure Modifications: Deadline for county clerks to submit their plans to the secretary of state; if they want to modify voting procedures (for a political subdivision) — for the (Nov. 3) General Election. [§34-1413, Idaho Code]
Sept. 24* Recount Applications: Deadline — for supporters or opponents of a ballot measure — to apply to the county clerk for a recount of the Aug. 25 election. (*This date may vary; it must be done within 20 days of the canvass). [§34-2301, Idaho Code]
Sept. 24* Election Disputes: Deadline for electors to contest the results — of the Aug. 25 election. (*This date may vary; complaints must be filed in the proper court within 20 days of the canvass.) [§34-2008, Idaho Code]
Oct. 2 Designate Polling Places: Deadline for county commissioners to designate polling places — for the (Nov. 3) General Election. [§34-302, Idaho Code]
Oct. 2 County clerk to appoint election personnel for the (Nov. 3) General Election. [§34-303, Idaho Code]
Oct. 9 Preregistration Deadline: Voter registrations must be received by the county clerk — for the Nov. 3 election. (Deadline is 5 p.m. for paper applications or until midnight for online applications.) [§34-408, Idaho Code]
Oct. 13 Mail Ballot Precincts: County clerks to begin mailing ballots to voters located in designated mail ballot precincts — for the (Nov. 3) General Election. [§34-308, Idaho Code]
Oct. 19 Early Voting Begins: For those counties that choose to conduct early voting. [§34-1012, Idaho Code]
Oct. 20 Mail Ballot Precincts: Deadline for county clerks to complete mailing ballots to voters in designated mail ballot precincts — for the Nov. 3 election. [§34-308, Idaho Code]
Oct. 22 Election Observers: Deadline for political parties or candidates to submit a written request (to the county clerk) for the purpose of authorizing challengers or watchers to observe at polling places — for the (Nov. 3) General Election. [§34-304, Idaho Code]
Oct. 22 Publish First Election Notification: Deadline for county clerk to publish the first notice of election — in the county’s official newspaper(s) — for the Nov. 3 election. (If possible, the notice should appear in at least two newspapers published — or circulated — in the county.) [§34-602 and §34-1406, Idaho Code]
Oct. 23 Partisan Candidate Certification: Deadline for the secretary of state to certify candidates — for federal, state, and district office — (appointed by the central committee) for the (Nov. 3) General Election. [§34-909, Idaho Code]
Oct. 23 Election Register Examination: Deadline for county clerks to examine the election register, from the Aug. 25 election, and note challenges. [§34-432(1), Idaho Code]
Oct. 23 Absentee Ballot Application Deadline: Applications must be received by the county clerk by 5 p.m. — for the Nov. 3 election. [§34-1002(7), Idaho Code]
Oct. 29 Publish Second Election Notification: Deadline for county clerk to publish the second notice of election — along with a facsimile sample ballot — for the Nov. 3 election. (If possible, the notice should appear in at least two newspapers published — or circulated — in the county.) [§34-602 and §34-1406, Idaho Code]
Oct. 30 In-Person Absentee/Early Voting Ends: At 5 p.m. — for the General Election. [§34-1002(7) and §34-1012, Idaho Code]
Nov. 3 Absentee Ballot Return Deadline: Voted absentee ballots must be received — by the county clerk — by 8 p.m. [§34-1005, Idaho Code]
Nov. 3 Election Day: Polling places — and the county clerk’s office — to be open 8 a.m.–8 p.m. (*County clerk may opt to open at 7 a.m.) [§34-211 and §34-1101, Idaho Code]
Nov. 4 Voter Registration Reopens [§34-408, Idaho Code]
Nov. 13 County Canvass: Deadline for the board of county commissioners to meet and conduct the canvass — of the (Nov. 3) General Election. (This deadline also applies to the canvass for political subdivisions.) [§34-1205 and §34-1410, Idaho Code]
Nov. 13* County Election Certification: Deadline for county clerks to certify the results — of the Nov. 3 election — to the secretary of state and to the clerk of the political subdivision(s). (*This date may vary; to be done immediately after the county canvass.) [§34-1207 and §34-1410, Idaho Code]
Nov. 13* Election Certificates: Deadline for county clerk (and the clerk of the political subdivision) to issue certificates of election. (*This date may vary; to be done immediately after the county canvass.) [§34-1410 and §34-1209, Idaho Code]
Nov. 18 State Board Canvass: Deadline for the state board of canvassers to meet and conduct the canvass — of the (Nov. 3) General Election. [§34-1211, Idaho Code]
Nov. 18* State Board Election Certification: Deadline for state board of canvassers to certify results — of the (Nov. 3) General Election — for all federal, state, and district candidates. (*This date may vary; to be done immediately after the state canvass.) [§34-1213, Idaho Code]
Nov. 18* Election Certificates: Deadline for secretary of state to issue certificates of election to federal, state, and district candidates. (*This date may vary; to be done immediately after the state board canvass.) [§34-1215, Idaho Code]
Dec. 3* County Recount Applications: Deadline — for county or political subdivision candidates or supporters/opponents of a county/local ballot measure — to apply to the attorney general for a recount of the (Nov. 3) General Election. (*This date may vary; it must be done within 20 days of the county canvass. [§34-2301, Idaho Code]
Dec. 3* County Election Disputes: Deadline for electors to contest the (county or political subdivision) results — of the General Election. (*This date may vary; complaints must be filed in the proper court within 20 days of the county canvass. [§34-2008, Idaho Code]
Dec. 8* State Board Recount Applications: Deadline — for federal, state, legislative, judicial candidates or supporters/opponents of a stateside ballot measure — to apply to the attorney general for a recount of the (Nov. 3) General Election. (*This date may vary; it must be done within 20 days of the state board canvass. [§34-2301, Idaho Code]
Dec. 8* State Board Election Disputes: Deadline for electors to contest the (statewide) results — of the General Election. (*This date may vary; complaints must be filed in the proper court within 20 days of the state board canvass. [§34-2008, Idaho Code]
Dec. 14 Presidential Electors: Federal date for presidential electors to meet and vote. [3 U.S.C. §7; §34-1503, Idaho Code]
Dec. 31 2021 Election Calendar Publication Deadline: County clerks to publish the 2021 election calendar. [§34-1405(2), Idaho Code]

System Upgrade In Progress

Campaign Finance, Lobbyist Reporting, and Online Voter Tools are expected to be offline from April 9th at 5:00 p.m. MDT, through April 12th at 8:00 a.m. MDT to complete a system upgrade.

Per Idaho Code 67-6607, campaign finance is reported monthly during a campaign’s election year. The deadline for the March report falls on Saturday, April 10th. Due to the interruption caused by this upgrade, political treasurers will be allowed to file the March report until 11:59 p.m. MDT on Monday, April 12th.

While we do our best to ensure compliance with all deadlines in statute, the timing of this release is critical to ensure minimal (or no) impact to the May election cycle. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.