Campaign Finance Data

Candidates, campaigns, and organizations report Campaign Finance information to provide the public with a transparent look at political funding in Idaho.
All money raised or spent in relation to a campaign must be accounted for and tracked. This includes the use of a candidate’s own money.
All money raised or spent in relation to a campaign must be accounted for and tracked. This includes the use of a candidate’s own money.
Since 2020, campaign finance at all levels (except Federal) has been reported online to the Idaho Secretary of State. While we migrate this data to the new system, data from different years can be reviewed through the following pages:
- 2024 (
- 2020 – 2023 (
- 2000 – 2019 (see archived data below)
- Federal campaign finance data can be found at the Federal Election Commission website.
*Statewide Executive Officers and District Judges did not run for election this year.