Idaho Elected Officials
U.S. Senators
Term of office: 6 years — staggered terms
Mike Crapo (R) 239 Dirksen Senate Bldg. (202) 224-6142 Current term expires Jan. 2029 |
James E. Risch (R) 483 Russell Senate Office Bldg. (202) 224-2752 Current term expires Jan. 2027 |
U.S. Representatives
Term of office: 2 years — Current terms expire Jan. 2027
1st DistrictRuss Fulcher (R) 1520 Longworth House Office Bldg. (202) 225-6611 |
2nd DistrictMike Simpson (R) 2312 Rayburn House Office Bldg. (202) 225-5531 |
GovernorBrad Little (R) PO Box 83720 (208) 334-2100 |
Lt. GovernorScotte Bedke (R) PO Box 83720 (208) 334-2200 |
Attorney GeneralRaul Labrador (R) PO Box 83720 (208) 334-2400 |
Secretary of StatePhil McGrane (R) PO Box 83720 (208) 334-2300 |
State ControllerBrandon Woolf (R) 700 W. State St. (208) 334-3100 |
State TreasurerPO Box 83720 (208) 334-3200 |
Superintendent of Public Instruction650 W. State St. (208) 334-2300 |
Term of office: 6 years — staggered terms
All positions are non-partisan
All Justices and Judges can be reached by mail at the Court mailing address:
PO Box 83720
Boise ID 83720-0101
Idaho Supreme Court
Chief Justice: |
Justices: |
Idaho Court of Appeals
Chief Judge: |
Judges: |