At the request of Idaho Secretary of State Lawerence Denney, and in consultation with the office of the Governor, the Idaho Secretary of State’s office is extending the February 10, 2020 filing deadline for PACs and Candidates under the Idaho Sunshine Laws to February 17, 2020.
Author: Robert Logan
Notice of Extension of Campaign Finance Reporting Deadline
At the request of Idaho Secretary of State Lawerence Denney, and in consultation with the office of the Governor, the Idaho Secretary of State’s office is extending the February 10, 2020 filing deadline for PACs and Candidates under the Idaho Sunshine Laws to February 17, 2020.
Secretary of State to Hold Remote Online Notarization Symposium
Notaries from throughout Idaho and Montana are invited to Boise January 10, 2020 to attend a Remote Online Notarization (RON) Symposium hosted by the office of Idaho Secretary of State, Lawerence Denney.
Honorable Idaho Secretary of State Lawerence Denney Joins the National Association of Secretary of State in #TrustedInfo2020 Education Effort
The Honorable Idaho Secretary of State Lawerence Denney, ahead of the 2020 primaries and general election, joins fellow members of the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) in the #TrustedInfo2020 education effort to encourage citizens to look to their state and local election officials as the trusted sources of election information.
Proposed Initiative Relating to Increased Funding for K-12 Education
Idaho Secretary of State Lawerence Denney announced proponents of a new initiative were cleared to begin collecting petition signatures.
Proposed Initiative Relating to Idaho Medical Marijuana Enters Circulation
Idaho Secretary of State Lawerence Denney announced proponents of a new initiative were cleared to begin collecting petition signatures.
West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner Presents on Foreign Influence on American Elections
Secretary of State Lawerence Denney will host visiting Secretary of State Mac Warner, who will present on Foreign Influence on American Elections. Secretary Warner is recognized nationally as a leader in election cybersecurity, with his work being featured by national media outlets including NPR, CNN, New York Times, Fox News, HBO News, and Snapchat.
Secretary Denney Certifies New Electronic Poll Book
Idaho Secretary of State Lawerence Denney announced Tenex’s Precinct Central e-poll book has been certified for use in Idaho.
Correction of Previous Press Release: Proposed Initiative Relating to Minimum Wage Enters Circulation
Correction to the press release issued April 17, 2019. The previous release included incorrect data when referring to the total amount of signatures required. The correct requirement is 55,057 signatures.
Electronic Poll Book Certification Hearing Set for Tuesday, April 23
Idaho Secretary of State Lawerence Denney announced an e-poll book certification hearing for Tenex’s Precinct Central is set for 10 a.m.–noon Tuesday, April 23 in Boise.