Initiatives and Constitutional Amendments

Initiatives & Constitutional Amendments

On this page you will find proposed initiatives, Constitutional Amendments, and voter pamphlets for upcoming elections.

Initiatives, Amendments & Voter Pamphlets

Proposed InitiativesVoter Pamphlet

Currently Circulating Ballot Initiatives

The following is a list of statewide ballot initiatives that are currently in circulation for signatures.

Reproductive Freedom and Privacy Act [PDF]

Decriminalize Cannabis Now Initiative [PDF]

An Idaho Voters Pamphlet will be created if any Initiatives qualify for the 2026 General Election

Proposed Initiatives Voter Pamphlet

Qualified Initiatives

The following statewide ballot initiative qualified for the November 5 General Election.

Proposition 1: Top-Four Primary and Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative [PDF]

Proposition One DEFEATED on November 5, 2024

Did Not Qualify

The following statewide ballot initiative did not receive the necessary signatures to qualify for the November 5 General Election ballot.

Idaho Medical Marijuana Initiative [PDF]

2024 Idaho Voter’s Pamphlet [PDF]

Proposed Initiatives Voter Pamphlet

Qualified Ballot Initiatives

The following is a list of statewide ballot initiatives that have qualified for the November 8, 2022 General Election ballot.

Proposed Constitutional Amendment: SJR 102 []

Amendment PASSED on November 8, 2022

Withdrawn Ballot Initiative

This initiative qualified for the 2022 General Election ballot but was withdrawn by it’s proponent.

Proposition One: Quality Education Act [PDF]

Did Not Qualify

The following is a list of statewide ballot initiatives that did not qualify for the 2022 General Election.

Act to Raise the Minimum Wage to $12 by 2025 [PDF]
Act to Raise the Minimum Wage to $13 by 2026 [PDF]
Act to Raise the Minimum Wage to $14 by 2026 [PDF]
Act to Raise the Minimum Wage to $15 by 2027 [PDF]
Idaho Medical Marijuana Act of 2022 [PDF]
Idaho Initiative Rights Act of 2022 [PDF]
Personal Adult Marijuana Decriminalization Act (PAMDA) [PDF]
Referendum To Approve Or Reject An Act Increasing The Geographic Signature Requirement On A Petition For Initiative Or Referendum. [PDF]

The Idaho Voter’s Pamphlet has been updated to reflect the withdrawal of Proposition 1.

2022 Idaho Voters Pamphlet [PDF]

Idaho Voters Pamphlet [MP3 Audio]

Proposed Initiatives Voter Pamphlet

Qualified Ballot Initiatives

The following Constitutional Amendment appeared on the November 3, 2020, General Election ballot.

Constitutional Amendment HJR 4 [PDF]

Amendment PASSED on November 3, 2020

The following is a list of statewide ballot initiatives that circulated but did not qualify for ballot status.

An initiative amending minimum wage law by increasing the general minimum wage and minimum wage of tipped employees. [PDF]

An initiative establishing medical marijuana program for qualifying patients and protect participants from criminal prosecution and civil sanction. [PDF]

An initiative augmenting funding for K-12 education by increasing the individual and corporate income tax rates. [PDF]

2020 Voters’ Pamphlet [PDF]

2020 Voters’ Pamphlet [MP3 Audio]

Proposed Initiatives Voter Pamphlet

Qualified Ballot Initiatives

The following is a list of statewide ballot initiatives that have qualified for the November 6, 2018, General Election ballot.

Proposition One: An initiative authorizing historical horse racing at certain locations where live or simulcast horse racing occurs and allocating revenue therefrom.

Proposition One DEFEATED on November 6, 2018

Proposition Two: An initiative to provide that the state shall amend its state plan to expand Medicaid eligibility to certain persons.

Proposition Two PASSED on November 6, 2018

The following is a list of statewide ballot initiatives that circulated but did not qualify for ballot status.

An initiative establishing a medical marijuana program for qualifying patients and to protect participants from criminal prosecution and civil sanction.

An initiative prohibiting abortion and making its performance or procurement murder of the first degree.

2018 Voters’ Pamphlet [PDF]
Proposed Initiatives Voter Pamphlet

Proposed Constitutional Amendment

The following is a list of statewide ballot initiatives that circulated but did not qualify for ballot status.

2016 Voters’ Pamphlet [PDF]

Audio Version

Twelve sections in MP3 format recorded by Talking Book Service volunteers at the Idaho Commission for Libraries

  1. Welcome
  2. Proposed Constitutional Amendment HJR 5
  3. Legislative Council’s Statements FOR the Proposed Amendment
  4. Legislative Council’s Statements AGAINST the Proposed Amendment
  5. Voter Qualifications and Registration
  6. Voting and Absentee Voting
  7. Voting Accessibility
  8. Idaho Federal Officials Contact Information
  9. Idaho State Officials Contact Information
  10. County Election Offices Contact Information A through E
  11. County Election Offices Contact Information F through Z
  12. Idaho Political Party Contact Information
Proposed Initiatives Voter Pamphlet

Proposed Constitutional Amendment

The following is a list of statewide ballot initiatives that circulated but did not qualify for ballot status.

2014 Voters’ Pamphlet [PDF]

Audio Version [MP3] Recorded by Talking Book Service volunteers at the Idaho Commission for Libraries

Initiative Filing Requirements

Statutory Reference: Title 34, Chapter 18
Step 1: Certificate of Review Procedure

A copy of the proposed initiative or referendum petition shall be filed with the signatures of 20 qualified electors of the state in the Secretary of State’s Office. Each signature sheet shall contain signatures of qualified electors from only one (1) county. (34-1804(1), I.C.)

In the case of an initiative petition, the person or persons or organization or organizations under whose authority the measure is to be initiated shall propose a funding source for the cost of implementing the measure. The proposed funding source information shall accompany a copy of the initiative when the petition is initially filed with the secretary of state under subsection (1) of this section, and whenever the petition is circulated for signatures, but the proposed funding source information shall not formally be part of the initiative and shall have no binding effect. (34-1804(2), I.C.)

The Secretary of State shall immediately transmit a copy of the proposed petition to the Attorney General for a Certificate of Review. (34-1804(1), I.C.)

The Attorney General may confer with the petitioner and shall, within 20 working days after receipt, review the proposal for substantive import and shall recommend to the petitioner such revision or alteration of the measure as may be deemed necessary and appropriate. (34-1809(1)(a), I.C.)

The recommendations of the Attorney General shall be advisory only and the petitioner may accept or reject them in whole or in part. (34-1809(1)(b), I.C.)

The Attorney General shall issue a certificate of review to the Secretary of State certifying that he has reviewed the measure for form and style and that the recommendations thereon, if any, have been communicated to the petitioner. Such certificate shall be issued whether or not the petitioner accepts such recommendations and shall be made available to the public in the Secretary of State’s Office. (34-1809(1)(c), I.C.)

In the case of an initiative petition, the person or persons or organization or organizations under whose authority the measure is to be initiated shall propose a funding source for the cost of implementing the measure. The proposed funding source information shall accompany a copy of the initiative when the petition is initially filed with the secretary of state under subsection (1) of this section, and whenever the petition is circulated for signatures, but the proposed funding source information shall not formally be part of the initiative and shall have no binding effect. Upon receipt of the petition and the proposed funding source information, the secretary of state shall immediately transmit a copy of the petition and proposed funding source information to the division of financial management so that it may issue a statement of fiscal impact as provided in section 34-1812, Idaho Code. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to a city or county ballot initiative. (34-1804(2), I.C.)

Step 2: Filing Petition (In Part) After the Certificate of Review

Within 15 working days after the issuance of the Certificate of Review, the petitioner, if he desires to proceed with his sponsorship, shall file the measure with the Secretary of State who shall submit it to the Attorney General for assignment of long and short ballot titles. (34-1809(2), I.C.)

The Attorney General shall provide ballot titles, within ten (10) working days of receiving the petitioners’ final proposal from the Secretary of State. (34-1809(2)(a), I.C.)

Any person, who is dissatisfied with the ballot titles, may appeal to the Supreme Court within twenty (20) days after said ballot title is filed in the office of the Secretary of State. (34-1809(3), I.C.)

This shall not prevent later judicial proceedings and decisions on the sufficiency of ballot titles.

Step 3: Preparation and Circulation of the Finalized Petition

The Secretary of State shall transmit the approved form with the ballot titles to the petitioners with printing instructions, along with a copy of the fiscal impact statement. (34-1809(2)(b) & 34-1812(1), I.C.)

The petitioner, upon receipt of ballot titles, fiscal impact statement, and approved form, has an 18-month circulation period or April 30 in the election year the initiative will be held, whichever occurs earlier. (34-1802, and 34-1812, I.C.)

Each signature sheet shall contain signatures of qualified electors from only one (1) county. (34-1807, I.C.)

Signature gatherers must offer a copy of the initiative, the fiscal impact statement summary and the sponsor’s proposed funding source information to the elector before signing. (34-1812 (3), I.C.)

Signatures are void if the circulator is not an Idaho resident and at least 18 years of age (34-1807, I.C.)

A signer may remove his or her signature from a petition prior to filing with the County Clerk by striking through his or her name. (34-1803B(1), I.C.)

Signatures are submitted to the appropriate County Clerk for verification not later than the close of business on May 1st in the year an election on the initiative will be held, or 18 months from the date the petitioner receives the official ballot title from the Secretary of State, whichever is earlier. (34-1802(2), I.C.)

The County Clerk shall strike through and not count the name of any signer whose name, address, or signature does not match those of a qualified elector of the proper jurisdiction, or who has requested in writing, prior to verification, that their name be removed. (34-1807(2) and 34-1803B(2), I.C.)

The County Clerk shall within 60 calendar days of the deadline for the submission of the signatures, verify the signatures, but in no event shall the time extend beyond the last day of June in the year an election on the initiative will be held. (34-1802(3), I.C.)

Step 4: Filing of Petitions

Pursuant to Section 34-1805, Idaho Code, there shall be affixed to the petition signatures of legal voters equal in number to not less than six percent ( 6%) of the qualified electors at the last general election in each of at least 18 Legislative Districts; provided, however, the total number of signatures shall be equal to or greater than six percent ( 6%) of the qualified electors of the state at the time of the last general election. Each signature page shall be signed by electors from one county only.

Initiative petitions must be filed with the Secretary of State with the required number of verified signatures no later than four (4) months before the election at which they are to be voted upon. (34-1802(4), I.C.)

Referendum petitions must be filed not more than sixty (60) days after the final adjournment of the session of the State Legislature which passed the bill on which the referendum is demanded. (34-1803, I.C.)

Step 5: Voters’ Pamphlet and Arguments Pro & Con

Any voter or group of voters may on or before July 20 prepare and file an argument not to exceed 500 words, for or against any measure. (34-1812A, I.C.)

Rebuttal Arguments, not to exceed 250 words, may be submitted no later than August 1. (34-1812B, I.C.)

Voter Pamphlets will be printed and distributed by the Secretary of State no later than September 25. (34-1812C, I.C.)

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System Upgrade In Progress

Campaign Finance, Lobbyist Reporting, and Online Voter Tools are expected to be offline from April 9th at 5:00 p.m. MDT, through April 12th at 8:00 a.m. MDT to complete a system upgrade.

Per Idaho Code 67-6607, campaign finance is reported monthly during a campaign’s election year. The deadline for the March report falls on Saturday, April 10th. Due to the interruption caused by this upgrade, political treasurers will be allowed to file the March report until 11:59 p.m. MDT on Monday, April 12th.

While we do our best to ensure compliance with all deadlines in statute, the timing of this release is critical to ensure minimal (or no) impact to the May election cycle. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.